Images of Assyrian, Mesopotamian,
Sumerian, Canaanite, Hittite
and Ugaritic Hells
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Akkadian Seal: Nergal with a curved sword in his left hand and a mace, flanked by two branches ending in feline heads. His right foot rests on the body of a man lying at the base of a mountian. The nine column inscription on this seal identifies the figure as Nergal. Iraq Museum, Baghdad. Made of steatite (soapstone), c. 23602180 BCE. Actual size 4.2 cm high, 2.7 cm. diameter.

Cuneiform documents containing ritual, prayers, incantations against witchcraft and the “evil eye,” and a vision of the underworld. Assyria. 9/7 century BCE. Pergamon Museum, Berlin.