Bibliography for Zoroastrian Hell


Studies & Reference

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Gardiner, Eileen, ed. Zoroastrian Hell: Visions, Tours and Descriptions of the Infernal Otherworld. Second Edition. New York: Italica Press, 2013. Includes A Book of Scriptures [Hadhokht Nask], The Book of Arda Viraf [Arda Viraf Namak], Dadestan-i Denig [Religious Decisions or Judgments] by Manuschihrji, The Book of Judgments of the Spirit of Wisdom [Mainyo-I-Khard], The Acts of Religion [Denkard]. Includes an introduction, bibliography, notes and glossary.

Book of Arda Viraf

Gardiner. Zoroastrian Hell, pp. 3–35.

The Book of Arda Viraf: The Pahlavi Text. Ed. by Destur Hoshangji Jamaspjii Asa. Trans. by Martin Haug and E. W. West. Bombay: Government Central Book Depot, 1872; reprint: Amsterdam: Oriental Press, 1971; reprint: Norderstedt: Hansebooks GmbH, 2020. Includes English translation of the text of The Book of Arda Vîraf (online) and also A Book of Scriptures (the Hadokht-nask) (online).

The Book of Arda Viraf: The Iranian ‘Divina Commedia’. Trans. by Fereydun Vahman. Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies Monograph Series. London: Curzon Press, 1986. Includes text of The Book of Arda Vîraf. Facsimile in Pahlavi (Middle Persian), transcription and transliteration in Modern Persian (romanized), with translation and commentary in English.

The Pahlavi Book of the Righteous Viraz. Ed. and trans. by Walter Belardi. Rome: University, Department of Linguistics: Italo-Iranian Cultural Centre, 1979. English translation with critical analysis.

Book of Scriptures (Hadhokht Nask)

Gardiner. Zoroastrian Hell, pp. 1–2.

See The Book of Arda Vîraf above.

Religious Judgments (Dadestan-i Denig)

Gardiner. Zoroastrian Hell, pp. 37–43.

Sacred Books of the East. Trans, by E. W. West. Vol. 18. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1882. Contains the Dadestan-i Denig [Religious Decisions or Judgments] by Manuschihr.

Book of the Judgments of the Spirit of Wisdom (Mainyo-I-Khard)

Gardiner. Zoroastrian Hell, pp. 45–48.

The Book of the Mainyo-I-Khard, or the Spirit of Wisdom. Ed. by Edward William West. Amsterdam: Stuttgart: C. Grüninger, 1871; rpt. A. P. A–Oriental Press, 1979. Contains the text in English translation and in original source languages with accompanying tools, such as glossary and grammars.

Acts of Religion (Denkard)

Gardiner. Zoroastrian Hell, p. 49.

Sacred Books of the East. Trans, by E. W. West. Vol. 37: The Phalavi Texts, Part 4, pp. 209–10. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1892.

Studies & Reference

Boyce, Mary. Textual Sources for the Study of Zoroastrianism. Textual Sources for the Study of Religion. Totowa, N.J.: Barnes & Noble Books, 1984; Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990. Provides selections of original texts in translation, organized by topics; includes bibliography and glossarial index.

Boyce, Mary. Zoroastrians: Their Religious Beliefs and Practices. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1987. The best current introduction to the subject by the person widely acknowledged to be the leading authority.

Clark, Peter. Zoroastrianism: An Introduction to an Ancient Faith. Brighton, UK: Sussex Academic Press, 1998. Presents Zoroastrianism as a living faith with a coherent theology and a strong ethical teaching.

Gardiner. Zoroastrian Hell. Includes introduction, notes, bibliography and glossary.

Nigosian, S.A. The Zoroastrian Faith: Tradition and Modern Research. Montréal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1993. Covers Zoroaster and Zoroastrian history, scriptures, teachings and observances with a glossary, notes. bibliography and index.

Pavry, J. C. The Zoroastrian Doctrine of a Future Life from Death to the Individual Judgment. New York: Columbia University Press, 1929; rpt. New York: AMS Press, 1965. Describes the period of the afterlife from death to the individual judgment at the Chinvat Bridge.

Zaehner, R. C. The Dawn and Twilight of Zoroastrianism. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1961; rpt. Phoenix Press, 2003. A study of the early history and religious principles of Zoroastrianism.

Zaehner, R. C. The Teachings of the Magi. A Compendium of Zoroastrian Beliefs. Ethical and Religious Classics of East and West, 14. London: Allen & Unwin, 1956; rpt. London: Sheldon Press, 1975; rpt. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1976. Pahlavi texts in translation.

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rev. 02/09/2024